Sunday, December 14, 2008

MagicJack Review: No Caller ID on Phone

The 100K resistor trick used by PC users to display caller ID on their phones did not work for me, even on a powered hub. I tried different phones but to no avail. I hit up MagicJack's online technical support again to see if it was a software limitation on the Mac side.

Instead of answering my software question, my call was escalated to the next level of support; their recommendation was to erase the MagicJack and reboot to see if that fixes the problem. This seems like generic "reinstall" advice for any software product, but since this is all new to me, I'll give it a go.

[ + ] I've read complaints about MagicJack's customer support, but so far they've been very easy to contact and chat with online. I don't care if they're reading off a script, are based outside of the United States, or may not have all the answers. Bottom line is that I don't want to wait for a reply or be put on hold; I want a quick and reasonably competent response.

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