Friday, December 26, 2008

MagicJack Review: Incoming Calls

When I said that caller ID could be the deal-breaker, I was wrong.

[ - ] This is: I found out last weekend that I was not receiving any cell phone calls from the AT&T network. I could call their cell phones fine, no problem. However, those phones cannot call the MagicJack. The technical problem seems to stem from the fact that no numbers from my three-digit prefix seem to be registered with AT&T's phone routers -- so when people call my number, it just dead-ends in a "Sorry, This Call Cannot Be Completed as Dialed..." message.

This is specific to AT&T for some reason. I've received cell phone calls from other networks (i.e. Virgin Mobile, which I believe just piggy-backs on the Sprint network) just fine. Also no problem with AT&T land line calls.

To their credit, MagicJack claimed their engineers were on it when I informed them of the issue earlier this week. However, it's been a week and the problem was not fixed as of Thursday (although I'm cutting them a little slack -- very little -- because it's the week of Christmas). AT&T was also informed, but since I can call their phones, they claim it's something MagicJack needs to fix. To be honest, I don't know whether it's AT&T or MagicJack that's the culprit -- but the bottom line is that the MagicJack isn't receiving all the calls that my land line can.

(As I side note, I have to remark about how vastly different AT&T's customer service is compared to MagicJack's -- and to be blunt, I like MagicJack chats much better. With AT&T, I had to be put on hold and listen to canned ads while waiting -- it's like you're held hostage as you're transferred from one person to the next. MagicJack customer service chats are usually quick, and on this occasion when I was kept waiting for a response, I just surfed the net or did some chores until I saw a reply. I know some people just need a live person to speak to, but to me, I think online chats are the future of customer support.)

Since I have some key contacts that use AT&T cell phones, for them to not be able to call me via the MagicJack makes it useless. If it is not fixed before the end of my free trial, I will cancel my service.

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